“Hilarious and heart-breaking” award-winning play about dating & disability comes to South Bristol next month

“Hilarious and heart-breaking” award-winning play about dating & disability comes to South Bristol next month

Posted on: 08 Mar 2023

ANIMAL, a new play exploring the intersection of disability and sexuality, is coming to the Tobacco Factory this April.


Have you ever wondered what it might be like for those with serious round-the-clock care needs when it comes to dating, sex & relationships? Writer Josh Bradfield & disability activist Jon Hepple are here to show you – all while making you laugh & breaking your heart at the same time.


ANIMAL is the new award-winning show coming to Tobacco Factory Theatres in Southville this month. It follows David (Christopher John-Slater) – gay, disabled & profoundly horny – on his journey through navigating the world of relationships, dating & sex all while dealing with his round-the-clock assistance needs.

Billed as “hilarious and heart-breaking”, ANIMAL tackles everything from hook-up culture and where it intersects with queer sexuality, to how we as a society interact with the disabled. ANIMAL has, since its debut, both won the inaugural Through The Mill Prize and been shortlisted (from amongst more than 1,500 entries) in the top five for the Patango Prize.


Its accolades don’t stop there, however – writer Josh Bradfield is the writer of The Stag Theatre’s series of queer pantomimes, which regularly receive five-star reviews, as well as the BBC’s highly popular Missing Alice. Partnered with Bradfield is disability activist and equality trainer Josh Hepple – who has severe cerebal palsy. Aside from his activism and masters in law, Hepple is also a theatre reviewer – proving he knows the form, not just the subject matter.

ANIMAL starts its run next month, on April 12, and will only run for three days, to April 15 – so don’t dawdle with booking your seat.


Tickets are £20, but concession tickets priced at £16 are available for those under 18 or for those experiencing financial difficulty. Tickets can be purchased from Tobacco Factory’s website.

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Patrick Bate

Patrick is a filmmaker with so much Bristol in his blood the white blood cells are graffiti'd. Educated at the Northern Film School in Leeds, he’s returned home to be a Videographer and Reviewer for 365Bristol and BARBI. When he’s not messing about with cameras, he enjoys playing guitar, spending far too much time on tabletop RPGs, and being an awful snob about cider. Have a look at his work here, or get in touch at patrickb@365bristol.com.