Augmented-reality unicorn trail coming to Bristol next summer

Augmented-reality unicorn trail coming to Bristol next summer

Posted on: 03 Aug 2022

Next year, a giant herd of unicorn statues will be displayed across public spaces in Bristol. Much like previous city-wide statue events Wow! Gorillas and Gromit Unleashed, the event will see each unicorn statue be decorated with a different design created by various local artists.

Bristol is about to get seriously magical.

Also like previous statue efforts, the majestic 2-metre tall unicorns (sponsored by local businesses, community groups and organisations) will be part of an effort to raise awareness and funds for charity – in this case, for Leukaemia UK – including sponsorships, and a charity auction of the statues at the end of the event.


However, the event is also a celebration of the 650th anniversary of Bristol achieving corporate county status way back in 1155 – and thus a celebration of the city itself.


The unicorn has always been an important heraldic animal for Bristol – unicorns are featured on the city seal, along with the motto “virtute et industry”, or “by virtue and industry”, with the unicorn representing the idea of virtue.



Joining the main herd are a mini-herd of adorable 1-metre tall unicorn foals exclusively available to schools, charities, and similar community groups.


You’ll be able to check out all of the mystical beasts along an art trail that you can explore yourself, or using an app that will help you navigate the trail and provide information about the unicorns and artists – as well as including exciting AR functionality to bring the trail to life.


If you’re interested in working with Unicornfest as an artist – get in touch via their website. Artist submissions open next month.


For the rest of us, the year-long event and process will be kicked off by a launch party on the 8th of September to celebrate everything the unicorns represent – and we’ll first see them pop up on July 1st, 2023. Watch this space, unicorn fans.

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Patrick Bate

Patrick is a filmmaker with so much Bristol in his blood the white blood cells are graffiti'd. Educated at the Northern Film School in Leeds, he’s returned home to be a Videographer and Reviewer for 365Bristol and BARBI. When he’s not messing about with cameras, he enjoys playing guitar, spending far too much time on tabletop RPGs, and being an awful snob about cider. Have a look at his work here, or get in touch at