Learn all about the crime and crinolines of Clifton with Show of Strength

Learn all about the crime and crinolines of Clifton with Show of Strength

Posted on: 23 Jul 2024

Described by John Betjeman as “the handsomest suburb in Europe”, Clifton is one of Bristol’s most famous and historic neighbourhoods.


Show of Strength’s latest tour reveals the stories of the extraordinary people behind the area’s elegant facades. Widely acclaimed for their educational walks, the ‘Crime and Crinolines in Clifton’ tour takes place at 6 PM every Thursday until 5 September and lasts approximately two hours.


Find out more and buy your tickets for the tour from the Show of Strength website.



Inquisitive walkers can expect fabulous buildings, scenery and stories of a jilted barmaid’s brush with death, a runaway empress, the only forger sentenced to death to keep his head and have it on a banknote, and the Georgian terrace that housed the Holy Grail. Starting and ending in the village, Clifton will never look the same again.


Show of Strength Theatre Company is a popular theatre company who specialise in telling true and wonderful Bristol stories in unusual places around the city. These informal and accessible shows are inspired by fascinating and potentially forgotten histories.


Some of their best-loved tours include ‘Blood, Blackbeard and Buccaneers’, revealing the truth about the world’s most famous pirate, and ‘Blood and Butchery in Bedminster’, a hugely popular walk, visiting several South Bristol pubs all linked in some way to the stories told in them.


A newer favourite is ‘Raising Cary Grant – The Bristol Footsteps of Archibald Leach’, introducing visitors to the streets that Archibald Leach (better known as Cary Grant) returned to throughout his life, and helped shape a Hollywood star and icon.


The ‘Crime and Crinolines in Clifton’ tour will start on the large, terraced area on Regent Street (BS8 4HU) and ends close by with a maximum group size of 25. Tickets are priced at £12, with only advanced bookings available.



‘Crime and Crinolines in Clifton’ begins at 6 PM on Thursdays 1 August, 15 August and 5 September. Tickets must be booked in advance HERE.

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Stanley Gray

Stan is a born and bred Bristolian, recently graduated from studying English Literature in Sheffield. His passions are music and literature and he spends the majority of his time in venues all over the city, immersing himself in Bristol’s alternative music scene. A lifelong Bristol City fan, Stan’s Saturdays are spent watching his team both home and away.