Window Wanderland in Easton Bristol 20 to 21st January 2018

Window Wanderland in Easton Bristol 20 to 21st January 2018

Posted on: 21 Dec 2017

Window Wanderland is coming to Easton Bristol on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st of January 2018.


The Window Wanderland project invited households and businesses to create displays for their windows, making an outdoor gallery for all to see!

Window Wanderland in Bristol

It breaks down boundaries and gives a sense of community. In previous years the project went to Bishopston, Bedminster, Ashton, Portishead and even Glasgow and London. Many glowing and interesting windows could be seen. It’s a truly visual delight that makes walking around the neighbourhood exiting and immersive. 

Window Wanderland in Bristol

The window displays can be anything, from family to Bristol culture to hobbies or something that feels passionate or even completely random and bizarre!

Window Wanderland in Bristol

For more information on how to take part as a household, business, artist or volunteer, email


Head here to see all of the other Window Wanderland events taking place around Bristol. 



Article by:

Hannah Moll

Hannah recently graduated with a degree in English with Writing. She is an avid writer, freelancer and creative. She is currently writing her first full-length novel and a collection of poetry. Always out and about in Bristol's music scene, she attends music events on a weekly basis.