The Old Man and The Sea at Alma Tavern in Bristol from 31st Jan to 4 Feb 2017
Witness the emotional story of The Old Man and The Sea from Tuesday 31 January to Saturday 4th February 2017 at The Alma Tavern in Bristol.
Desperately down on his luck the old man, Santiago, resolves to row his little boat far out off the coast of Cuba, in an attempt to catch a marlin big enough to redeem himself in the eyes of his fishing community. He hooks a fish of mythical proportions and commits himself to a life and death struggle with an adversary as great as he is strange. The old man loves the fish as a brother but is unmoveable in his resolve to kill it or die in the ordeal.
This renowned piece of literature is perfectly adapted to the stage and allows the performers to bring influences from their long and varied careers in cross-cultural performance, but remains, first and foremost, a storytelling experience worthy of the Hemingway’s epic tale.