A playful ‘Agbo play’ from Ayodele Scott and David Evans


A spirit of playfulness, love and joy is conjured up by Ayodele Scott and David Evans. This unmissable piece stitches together fragments of the pair's respective childhoods in Africa to create a dazzling patchwork that is rich in surprises.


Award-winning and multi-disciplinary, the two West African-born performers blend decades of experience to combine drumming, dance, singing and clowning with physical theatre.


Each of the play's scenes is randomly drawn by an audience member from a market trader’s basket to create a theatre experience unique to every performance. ‘Agbo play’ from Sierra Leone playfully engages everyone as creative participants through chanting, singing, clapping and laughter.


“Amazing Show - Wonderful Rhythms – Excellent - See this!” - Fringe TheatreFest 2023


For more information about the production, visit the Agbo Play website.