Big Fat Music Quiz

From 8:30pm every Monday, The Golden Lion on Bristol’s famous Gloucester Road plays host to their Big Fat Music Quiz.


Hosted by new landlord Drew Bridges, this is not your average pub quiz. Boasting that it’s nothing like the usual quizzes found in pubs up and down the country, this is a music quiz with a twist. Expect Rounds such as: Name the Rapper, Design the Golden Lion Pub Quiz Flyer (Creative Fag Break Round), Musicians in Custody and Who wrote this terrible B-Side.


At just £1 entry per person for teams up to six, winners receive the prestigious "Golden Lion Charity Shop Lucky Dip CD Hamper". A fine prize I’m sure you’ll agree. There is also a cash prize on offer in the bonus round should your mishmash of dodgy musical hardware not be enough.


Laughs are guaranteed so whether you fancy yourself as a music buff or just feel like a good night with good company, get yourself down to The Golden Lion this Monday and see for yourself.


The Golden Lion is located at: 244 Gloucester Road, Bristol BS7 8NZ.


Pub quiz in Bristol on Monday .