Fed up with your current service? What Rubbish are ethical and hassle free
What Rubbish are a waste removal serivce, operating in all areas of Bristol.
What Rubbish was started in 2013 and has been 100% committed to delivering its service ever since.
They pride themselves on being a local business who have a valued customer base with strong relations. Offering service wherever needed, they will go above and beyond to meet the requirements of clients.
It’s a simple, hassle-free way of clearing rubbish and waste around the city.
Some of the services on offer are:
Commercial and Business Waste Recycling
Builders and Construction Waste
General and Domestic Waste
Demolition Services
Every waste disposal is done ethically and cost effectively.
Testimonials say:
“They reduced my waste collection bill by about 12%-flexible scheduling including 1-off pick-ups when needed- very good service.”
“Mikes been taking care of all our construction waste needs for years – their service is second to none. Reliable, competitive prices and great service.”
They are open Monday to Saturday 8am-6pm, don't hesitate to get in touch!