Wild & Well Festival in Bristol on Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st October 2018

Posted on: 16 Oct 2018

Brand new Wild & Well Festival will take place at various locations around Bristol on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st October 2018.


Focusing on the idea of wellbeing and four central themes - Move, Eat, Connect and Explore - a stimulating raft of activities will happen around Bristol's historic harbourside including We The Curious, Arnolfini and M Shed. There will also be a shuttle bus to take you to Ashton Court for its special programme of Eat events and a spectacular yurt will be propped up on Brandon Hill.

Feeling good is the key motivator here, and with a jam-packed range of things to do to keep you fit over the weekend such as ballroom dancing, paddle boarding, HIIT sessions, and drum 'n bass workouts, there's excuse for not getting involved and getting in shape.

Tuneage will also be a priority with plenty of music-related top talent taking part over the weekend for its Move programme, including specially curated class soundtracks by AAA Badboy alongside live DJs who will spin the grooves to provide the soundscape for various workouts.

The Eat element of the festival will focus on cooking, sustainability and, communal eating, with The Wild Kitchen providing a platform for cooking demos, talks, cooking over fire, butchery, tips on growing your own produce, and plenty of hands-on workshops. Love Food Festival has also chummed up with the festival for a special market showcasing many of the UK's consummate producers and street food legends.

Arnolfini and We The Curious will provide pivotal locations for workshops and panel talks discussing the worlds within and around us, exploring our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing; while Wild & Well will peel back the layers of complex topics such as loneliness, community, gender, relationships and grief through an enriching host of stimulating speakers.

Ashton Court's rather awesome and stunning 850 woodland expanse will provide the backdrop for Wild & Well's amalgam of outdoor activities, honing in on the importance of connecting with nature through stimuli such as hiking, foraging, wild cooking, mountain biking and trail running.

We feel simultaneously exhausted and galvanised just thinking about it, but there's no denying its ethos of living life in a happier, healthier and more connected way could be just the thing to get away from it all and recharge those inner batteries. 


You can find out more about Wild & Well, the festival itself and how to get involved here.