The local window installers creating a new forest in Bristol

Posted on: 25 Jul 2023

The Window Hub, a Bristol window & door installations company, have committed to planting 3,000 trees over the next two years.

Here in Bristol, there's a window installation company called The Window Hub that's going above and beyond for the environment - they've committed to planting a remarkable 3,000 trees at Boyd Valley Lake, nestled between Bristol and Bath, in the next two years.

What's commendable about The Window Hub is their strong focus on sustainability and making a tangible impact on the local environment. Instead of simply throwing money at a carbon offsetting program, they've decided to take action right in their own backyard. Danny Robb, the owner of The Window Hub, put it perfectly when he said, "It’s great to throw some money at the situation, but actually doing something in our own environment is what it’s all about.”

This tree-planting initiative is reclaiming what used to be a monoculture cornfield, highlighting the importance of diversifying our environment to support a variety of plants and wildlife.

Customers of The Window Hub will receive a special copper tag to place on the tree they helped grow. The tag can bear their name or the name of a loved one, adding a personal touch to this meaningful endeavor. The Window Hub offers the option to attach the tag yourself or have their team do it on your behalf.

This wonderful gesture shows that The Window Hub truly cares about the community and is determined to leave a lasting positive impact on the environment. It's heartwarming to see local businesses stepping up and taking responsibility for our planet's well-being.

So, hats off to The Window Hub for their dedication to sustainability and for inspiring others to take action in their own communities. By coming together and planting these trees, we're contributing to a greener, healthier world for generations to come. Let's all follow their lead and make our corner of the world a better place!

For more information check out The Window Hub website or call 0117 3134862