The Bristol Short Story and Bristol Poetry Prize are open for submissions

Posted on: 11 Dec 2017

Are you a writer? Perhaps an experienced one, perhaps not. Whatever your level, there are two important Bristol writing competitions to know about that are open to entry.


The annual Bristol Short Story and Bristol Poetry Prize are taking submissions.

The Bristol Short Story Prize is an annual international writing competition that is open to all published and unpublished UK and non-UK based writers. Each year they publish an anthology of the winning stories as well as presenting cash prizes. The closing date for entries is May 1st 2018. They can be made online, or by post. 


The rules are:

Entrants must be over 16 years old

The maximum length of submissions is 4000 words, there is no minimum length and stories can be on any theme in any style.

The competition is open to everyone with no geographical restrictions but submissions must be written in English.

Authors can enter as many stories, with an entry fee of £8 each.

For more details and information on the rules click here. 


The Bristol Poetry Prize is a competition for poetry only. Judged by poet and visual artist Helen Ivory, the winner receives a cash prize and an invitation to read at the Bristol Poetry Festival 2018. The deadline is Saturday 31st March 2018.


The Bristol Poetry Prize offers £600 for the winner, £300 for second, and £100 for third.


The rules are:

The maximum line restriction is 100 lines and entry fee is £6.00 per poem.

You can submit as many poems as you like.

Each poem may be in any style, on any theme and should be individually typed on a separate page, uploaded as an individual file.

You must be over 18 years of age.

You can enter online or by post, to see how to enter and the guidelines, click here.


Get writing and good luck!