Stokes Croft Food Project are on the lookout for volunteer chefs

Posted on: 11 Jun 2021

The pay-what-you-can community cafe is back open in Stokes Croft.


The Stokes Croft Food Project are appealing for new volunteer cooks to get involved with their community cafe, advertising for volunteers to help prepare and serve Tuesday lunches from their base at Jamaica Street Stores.


Launched by a collective of local community groups and hospitality businesses, the cafe was originally opened in July 2020 to support people in need through the coronavirus crisis.


Customers who can afford to do so are asked to pay slightly over the odds for nutritious, freshly-made meals, subsidising free and discounted meals for members of the community who might otherwise go hungry.



The Stokes Croft Food Project is a collaboration between local businesses, charities and campaigners, set up to tackle hunger and food poverty in central Bristol.


The initiative aims to provide fresh, nutritious food to those most in need, and the Pay What You Can cafe allows members of the community to support others while also enjoying the delicious dishes prepared by its volunteer team.


Speaking on the initial opening of the cafe last year, the SCFP said: "We have chosen the Pay What You Can model to allow us to continue providing mouth-watering and nutritious meals to the economically vulnerable, while expanding our offer in an inclusive and sustainable way.


"This project builds on the mutual-aid principle that has allowed so many people in Bristol to make it through the pandemic.


"We don’t need top-down charity to 'help the needy' – we need strong, well-fed and resilient communities that support one another."


Now up and running once again as people across the community continue to feel the impact of the coronavirus crisis, the Stokes Croft Food Project are looking for professional or part-time cooks to work Tuesday lunch shifts.


No commercial experience is necessary, and all volunteers will be provided with necessary food hygiene training and qualifications. 


For more information about the project, or to enquire about volunteering roles, head to the People's Republic of Stokes Croft website or get in touch with the team via email.

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