STAR WARS - celebrate the release of Rogue One with the spin-off films at Redgrave Theatre on 14th December 2016

Posted on: 13 Dec 2016

Rogue One is coming. Bristol Bad Film Club are ending 2016 with something special and suitable for the whole family on Wednesday December 14th -  the Star Wars spin-offs that no-one talks about (no, not the Holiday Special) the Ewok movies! 


All profits will go to Little People UK – a charity that Warwick Davis is a patron of.


First aired on US TV in November 1984, Ewok Adventure (later titled Caravan Of Courage) followed the adventures of Cindel Towani, a young girl marooned on Endor. It was a ratings success and a sequel, Battle For Endor, quickly followed the next year.


The films aren't remembered much these days apart from the fact that Warwick Davis reprised his role as Wicket and Battle For Endor strangely featured Wilford Brimley (The Thing, Cocoon) who, to date, is the only Star Wars character that wears spectacles.


For tickets please click here

It was around this time last year that our screens allowed for a stunning return to that galaxy far, far away with the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and later this month Rogue One will do the same. With these big-budget blockbusters on the rise again, it is easy to forget about the many other Star Wars spin-offs of which the Ewok movies must be favourite. Luckily, An Ewok Adventure: Caravan of Courage and Ewoks: Battle for Endor have been reprised for the stage, with both showing at The Redgrave as part of an intergalactic double bill.



Today, the films aren't remembered much these days apart from the fact that Warwick Davis reprised his role as Wicket and Battle For Endor strangely featured Wilford Brimley (The Thing, Cocoon) who, to date, is the only Star Wars character that wears spectacles.


For further info, tickets, and to see what other great events are being help at The Redgrave, please visit and keep up to date via Facebook and Twitter