St Mary Redcliffe Church: Project 405 update session taking place tonight

Posted on: 16 Sep 2019

Taking place from 18:30 to 20:30 inside the church, the meeting will be a good chance for people to find out about the current plans for the church's new facilities. 

There will be a short presentation from the Project 450 architect, followed by an opportunity for people to ask questions and give their feedback on the proposed developments.


One of the city's most eye-catching structures, St Mary Redcliffe Church is a hub for worship and local and city-wide community initiatives. It is, however, widely acknowledged that the centuries-old building is ill-equipped to cope with the demands of a modern parish church.


With that in mind, the church has been gathering information and making plans for a major redevelopment project: Project 450.

The proposed development will create accessible toilets and level access to the church; a new choir space and cafe; exhibition spaces and event space in the south churchyard that will enable the church to host weddings and other facilities for the local community. 


Anyone interested in finding out more can head down to the church tonight from 18:30 to speak directly with those involved in Project 450. Feedback will be encouraged! 


For more information on Project 450 or to follow updates, head to the church's dedicated developments page here.