Saved By The 90's at The Lanes on Saturday 23rd June 2018

Posted on: 09 Jun 2018

The 90s gave us some great movies: Forrest Gump, Titanic, Jurassic Park. It also gave us some interesting fashion trends: crop tops, grunge, Madonna's cone bra. But it was also a decade of some pretty awesome music - and The Lanes in Bristol is paying its own tribute to 10 years of great tunes when it hosts Saved By The 90s on Saturday 23rd June 2018.  


Back with a vengeance for another top night of hits which will whisk you down a nostalgia-inducing memory lane, this celebration of some of the best, most iconic singers and bands of the 90s is all you'll need to get those toes tapping and make your weekend a great one. And at the risk of using an obvious 90s song-based pun, we could almost say the night will Spice Up Your Life. (Damn, too late, just did it.)

All-out hits, chart toppers, undisputed classics and a few you actually love but are really too proud to admit will get plenty of airtime, blasting out their immortal anthems from the ample speakers. Recapture the tunes of your youth with the likes of Britney Spears, Shania Twain, Backstreet Boys, Snoop Dog, S-Club 7, No Doubt, Mariah Carey, Peter Andre, Spice Girls, Whitney Houston, Ace of Bass and more retro bangers than you could chuck a packet of Turkey Dinosaurs at.


And those jolly decent folk at The Lanes are also offering free tickets for those of you have birthdays in June. Just email a copy of your ID to and they'll sort out your entry so you can get in without parting with a single penny. 


This event is aged 18+ and runs from 10pm to 3am Sunday morning (last entry at 2am). So let's get the party started for a full-on 90s blowout (and dress up in your fave retro 90s attire too, if you get the urge). Tickets now available cost £5 and £7 and can be snapped up here.


The Lanes is located at 22 Nelson Street, Bristol, BS1 2LE. Tel. 0117 3251979.