Retrace the Footsteps of Famed Bristol Explorer Bertram Thomas

Posted on: 22 Feb 2017

A talk entitled ‘Crossing the Empty Quarter’ will be given by present-day adventurer Mark Evans at the Bristol Grammar School on March 13th, where he will discuss his following the footsteps of Bertram Thomas for 1,300km across Oman.

Bertram Thomas (above, center), born in Pill in 1892, was the first Westerner to cross Oman’s Empty Quarter, the largest contiguous sand desert in the world when he successfully completed the journey in 1930.


This feat had not been repeated until in late 2016, over 85 years after Thomas’s initial trek, Mark Evans (below) underwent the same ordeal, walking for 49 days across 1,300km of blistering desert.

Evans, a fellow of the Explorers Club of New York and London’s Royal Geographical Society, will talk about this expedition next month in front of an audience at Bristol Grammar School.


Tickets for this event, hosted by Bristol Grammar School in conjunction with Explorers Connect, can be purchased here.