Pay What You Can community cafe reopens in Stokes Croft

Posted on: 12 Jan 2021

The project is helping to provide continued support for homeless and vulnerable people in central Bristol.


The team behind the Stokes Croft Food Project have confirmed the reopening of their Pay What You Can Community Cafe this week, serving up hot food and drinks from 12:00 to 14:00, Monday to Friday.


Located on Jamaica Street, the cafe was originally opened in July last year to support people in need through the coronavirus crisis, and amid the ongoing pandemic, is back in action in early 2021.


Customers who can afford to do so are asked to pay slightly over the odds for their orders, subsidising free and discounted meals for members of the community who might otherwise go hungry.



The Stokes Croft Food Project is a collaboration between local businesses, charities and campaigners, set up to tackle hunger and food poverty in Stokes Croft.


The team aim to provide fresh, nutritious food to those most in need, and the Pay What You Can cafe allows members of the community to support others while also enjoying the delicious dishes prepared by Jamaica Street Stores chefs.


Speaking on the initial opening of the cafe last year, the SCFP said: "We have chosen the Pay What You Can model to allow us to continue providing mouth-watering and nutritious meals to the economically vulnerable, while expanding our offer in an inclusive and sustainable way.


"This project builds on the mutual-aid principle that has allowed so many people in Bristol to make it through the pandemic.


"We don’t need top-down charity to 'help the needy' – we need strong, well-fed and resilient communities that support one another."



The Stokes Croft Food Project have launched a crowdfunding campaign to support their operation, with close to £4,500 of a £5,000 target raised so far.


To find out more about the Pay What You Can Cafe, or to make a donation, head to the PRSC website.

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