Let's Ride Bristol returns this weekend on Sunday 16th June!

Posted on: 14 Jun 2019

Lovers of two wheels, tight lycra and helmets rejoice! HSBC will be running its annual cycle-centric Let's Ride Bristol on Sunday 16th June 2019.

A joint collaboration between Bristol City Council and British Cycling, this year's Let's Ride Bristol will be encouraging anyone and everyone in the city to have a go on two wheels. It's always a popular gig and hundreds of city folk jump on the saddle to enjoy the city without those pesky motor vehicles getting in their way.


This year's route will take participants from the starting point on Anchor Road through the city centre and the old city, around Queen Square and along the harbour before returning to the start point, with the total distance of the ride coming in at 4.75km.


It's a free event and is suitable for everyone of all ages and abilities, from seasoned cycling veterans to youngsters. Cyclists will get the chance to explore the main central hotspots of the city, including Millennium Square, Anchor Road, the Old City and Queen Square.


A raft of community-led activities and attractions will also take place throughout the day such as festival zones and a live extravaganza in the form of the Extreme Mountain Bike Stunt Show, plus live music, a bike maintenance pitstop, a Go-Ride area for the young 'uns to pick up some top pedal power pointers, and plenty of food and drink stalls dotted around.


If you plan on taking part or want to find out more about Let's Ride Bristol, why it's on and how it makes a difference in Bristol's congested city streets, visit their website.