Let Me Tell You A Story, Jack at The Crofters Rights on Thursday 31st August 2017

Posted on: 31 Aug 2017

English entertainer Max Bygraves may well have immortalised the phrase "I wanna tell you a story" into the pop culture lexicon, but The Crofter Rights in Bristol is giving the city's budding storytellers the chance to recite their tales at Let Me Tell You A Story, Jack on Thursday 31st August 2017.


The storytelling criteria is as broad as it is wide, as eclectic as it is diverse, as mysterious as it is entertaining. In other words, if you're something of a wordsmith and have a chapter or two to impart or a short story to regale, then now's your chance to unleash your creative writing kudos to the masses.


Teenage nemesis? Childhood best pal? An imaginary friend you used to converse with? Envision yourself as a mythical figure protecting a dark, dystopian world? The most altruistic thing you've done for a friend or total stranger? The choice is yours, dear writer, and here's the perfect platform from which to take advantage.


Entry is free, a selection of sweets are free and, hell, there's even a free drink for every storyteller. Don't worry though; intoning your mini-masterworks to the enthusiastic multitudes isn't a pre-requisite for entry - you can just pop along to listen if you prefer. 


For more info about this and other events at The Crofters Rights, click here.  You can also follow Let Me Tell You a Story Jack on Facebook.