Human Cargo at St George’s Bristol

Posted on: 08 May 2018

Human Cargo is showing on the 17th of May at 8pm at St George’s (Bristol city centre). Award winning storyteller Matthew Crampton and folk singer Jeff Warner combine to bring you a story and song show which promises to educate as well as entertain.


Human Cargo is an ‘elegant and vital insight into human suffering and survival’. The show draws from the inspiring collection of short stories by Matthew Crampton based upon the suffering of migrants, slaves and displaced peoples.

Woven together like a radio show, but with the magic of theatre and the warmth of a folk music session, the theme which runs deeply throughout is a fresh, firm take on the matter of migration. The show includes stories of Bristol’s migration history in partnership with Bristol Refugee Rights and Bristol City of Sanctuary who make sure that those who come seek sanctuary in Bristol are welcomed with dignity and who create safe spaces for migrants based on solidarity and respect.


The show is particularly relevant in the current global context, in which we have seen the largest mass migration of displaced peoples in history and, furthermore, in the context of Brexit and recent rise of right wing politics in Europe and worldwide.


Bristol Refugee Rights and Bristol City of Sanctuary will be running stalls respectively in order to promote the fantastic work they do with asylum seekers and refugees giving attendees the opportunity to gain further information about the UK asylum process and information on how the general public can help.


‘If you get a chance to see matthew Crampton’s story-and-song show human cargo, do not miss it’



‘Beautiful, powerful, poignant and informative’

Ilyaz Hajat, The Refugee Council


‘Inspiring, moving and inspirational’ 

Sean Cooney, The Young’uns

Tickets are £18, £16, £5 for students and under 18s. To book click here.