Hit the Road, Jac at Stanfords on Thursday 16th November 2017

Posted on: 15 Nov 2017

Local author will give an illustrated talk about her incredible journeys around the globe at Stanfords in Bristol on Thursday 16th November 2017. 


Accompanied by her trusty and beloved Enfield motorcycle, Furneaux will regale her inspiring story of how she left for India with a youthful Dutch motorcyclist she barely even knew and purchased a motorbike, naively imagining the whole impetuous adventure would last only a few months.

It didn't. In fact, it lasted for 4 years, when it all abruptly came to an end in Australia where her Dutch companion promptly left her. The net result, however, was an adrenaline-pumping addiction to travelling and exploring new countries and vistas that enthused her to carry on revving that engine and riding for another three years.

Motivated and galvanized by the incredible, diverse range of people and cultures she encountered through her travails, she returned to Bristol and did what you'd most naturally do - write a book, which she did, and called the tome Hit the Road, Jac!


Expect inspiring stories and adventurous tales from Furneaux for an evening that just goes to show how much you can experience and how your life can be enriched by impulsive, spur-of-the-moment decisions.


Tickets cost £4, which includes a glass of wine or soft drink, and can be purchased here 


Stanfords is located at 29 Corn Street, Old City, Bristol, BS1 1HT