Get fit in 2018 with AirHop Bristol's Drop In AirFit Classes

Posted on: 11 Jan 2018

We're all feeling that extra timber after Christmas, having spent almost a week eating and drinking anything and everything in sight. January is always a time for repentance for many of us, with sales of gym memberships and workout gear going through the roof as people try to work off that box of slightly stale mince pies they ate on New Year's Eve. Check out AirHop Bristol's AirFit drop-in classes this January for some New Year exercise with a twist.

For those looking to get back into some exercise, AirHop Bristol are offering something a little bit different this year - from Monday 15th January you can attend their weekly AirFit Drop-In classes, a high-energy workout on and off trampolines.


The drop-in AirFit sessions begin this Monday (15th January) from 7.15pm-8pm, starting at just £7 per class! The sessions provide a high-energy workout with a qualified instructor, helping you improve circulation and cardiovascular fitness, reducing body fat at the same time.


Alternatively, you can book a full six-week course with AirFit for just £36, with non-slip trampoline socks, a water bottle and a towel all included in the price! The full six-week course runs twice weekly, and details can be found here.

Please note, AirHop non-slip trampoline socks must be worn during AirFit classes. If you don't already own a pair these can be purchased at reception. For more information on AirFit, contact AirHop on 0330 223 3333 or visit the AirFit drop-in class Facebook Page.