Final Friday before Christmas shenanigans in Bristol

Posted on: 19 Dec 2014

For lots in Bristol, it is finally here, the Final Friday before Christmas week. Those lucky enough - and some we hear have 17 straight days off work - will be winding down already in preparation for a boozy lunch, early finish and then hitting the sauce this evening as thousands of extra revellers are expected in the bars and clubs of the City. Where ever you end up, let it not be an ambulance, police station or worse. Here's a few tips:


Just go to the best bars - check our Recommended Bars by clicking here or message us on Facebook and Twitter!


Eat before you go out.


Drinks lots of water.


Remember it's a marathon, not a sprint. Don't binge, take your time enjoy your night.


Before you indulge in any chumpish or testosterone (or alcohol) fuelled tom foolery, realise actions generally have an equal or opposite reaction. If you do something silly you will be found with all the CCTV about so hug it out and be nice. Best to get home with a raging hangover than wake up in a hospital or police cell.


You are likely to drink lots more than usual this evening, so make sure not to drive until all the alcohol is clear of your system. You can still be over the limit Saturday lunchtime from Friday night if you have had a skinful!


Avoid use of social media post 10pm. No matter how good an idea it may seem to send a picture to Debbie from accounts or Trevor from marketing you will regret it tomorrow.


Whatever you do and wherever you go, stay safe and have an awesome night in the best City in the UK.