Feeding Bristol event at Old Library, Fishponds on Sunday 28 January 2018

Posted on: 07 Jan 2018

You'd have to be living under a rock not to notice the worrying, exponential increase and widely-reported cases of food poverty across the city, and Feeding Bristol at the Old Library in Fishponds on Sunday 28 January 2018 will attempt to tackle the crisis head-on.

The question the event poses is self-evident and simple: What can we do about food poverty? The answer, however, is not quite so easy or simple to resolve, but a range of speakers will focus all their energies on battling this unjust societal epidemic and look at how they - and we - can make a positive impact and difference to people's lives. 


Talking about the city-wide problem will include speakers Andy Street of CEO Fareshare/Feeding Bristol, Darren Gillet of Fit & Fed, Alison Findlay of Poverty is Pants, and MP Kerry McCarthy.  


It's an opportunity to get up-to-speed with the very real issue and problem of food poverty locally and internationally, understand what's happening and discover ways in which you can be involved first-hand and create real and positive change. 


There will be live music and food throughout the evening as well as words that will inspire and galvanize everyone to step up to the plate and do their bit for those in a much less fortunate position that ourselves. The event will run from 7pm to 9pm and you can reserve your place by emailing Katebn@virginmedia.com


For more information head to the event's Facebook page.


Old Library is located at Fishponds Road, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 3UH