Exploring the Solar System 2D and 3D at At-Bristol

Posted on: 01 Sep 2017

Budding astronauts and astronomers in the city might not yet being able to legitimately take a fantastic flight into space - but Exploring the Solar System at the At-Bristol centre is currently the most exciting and closest thing to it.

Taking advantage of the most state-of-the art and advanced Planetarium in the UK, you can be transported into the giddying trajectory of space and beyond. You'll be able to explore the amazing worlds that make up our solar system and experience what it will be like for future astronauts to study the rings of Saturn and Jupiter's Great Red Spot.


Immersive, awe-inspiring and unforgettable - as well as being available in 2D or 3D - this is a thrilling adventure into space and a marvelous first-hand introduction into astronomy that can be enjoyed by young and old alike. 


Opening times are from 10am to 6pm, with £3.50 on top of the general admission price. And as this incredible stargazing voyage runs until 31st December this year, there's still plenty of time to investigate the enthralling mysteries of the cosmos, planets and universe. 


For more information, head to the At-Bristol website events calendar