Bristol Zoo welcomes birth of a baby gorilla

Posted on: 25 Apr 2017

The infant gorilla was born at Bristol Zoo in the early hours of Saturday morning to mother Touni and father Jock. The baby is yet to be named.

The population of Bristol Zoo grew by one this weekend, as they received the latest in their number in the form of a new-born Western lowland gorilla, pictured above.


In the early hours of Saturday morning, the infant was born to mum Touni and silverback Jock. Touni has since been recovering away from the public.


A spokeswoman for the zoo said: “Despite being just a few hours old, the baby appears strong and mum is being very attentive. The Gorilla House is closed to allow Touni time to rest quietly and bond with her new infant.”



This latest birth comes just over a year after Afia (see video) was delivered by emergency caesarean section at the zoo last February.


Keepers will be keeping a close eye on both mother and baby over the coming days and weeks. Follow Bristol Zoo Gardens on Twitter for more information.