Bristol Soup Project - Getting to Know Bristol

Posted on: 06 Jan 2016

Bristol Soup is a rapidly growing movement that all us Bristol residents should be aware of. It is micro crowd-funding that supports local initiatives and is good fun for those in attendance.


Despite the name, this is not a 'Soup Kitchen'. It's nothing of the sort. The whole evening is governed by the number Four:


Four businesses/initiatives are invited to 'pitch'.

Four questions are allowed to be asked by the audience.

Four Pounds buys you a bowl of soup and, most importantly, a vote.


The company/initiative with the most votes at the end of the evening will receive all money from the door


We really don't have to sell you on how great an idea this is, that's for sure. It's a great cause and an almost identical programme has already gained massive support in Detroit, USA. We thought you might like to know a little more so to get the full run-down we spoke with Jenny Briggs...


When did you set up Bristol Soup Project? 


We’ve been working on establishing the Bristol Soup since August 2015. We are aiming to hold the first Bristol Soup event early in 2016. Our first public meeting was December 14th at St Pauls Learning Centre where we began planning the event and established a small team. 



Are you from Bristol?  


The project steering group is made up of Bristol residents from a variety of backgrounds. I moved to Bristol just over a year ago but am from the South West originally. I moved to Bristol to be part of the community spirit as I had felt quite isolated in London and have always loved Bristol. 


What are its aims and objectives? 


Bristol Soup is essentially a pot luck style diner funding micro-grants for community projects. There will be four pitches at the event which will be voted for by the audience. We aim to be a safe place where people of all ages and backgrounds can come together to share a common interest in improving their local community and bring people together who want to make a difference, encourage others, have fun, be creative and make connections with their neighbours. We will encourage and support the development of ideas and projects that will help improve the community, whatever stage they are at and be a catalyst for creating closer personal connections across the City. The main focus is to build relationships within the community and it is all modeled on a soup project began in Detroit, America which has been very successful and enjoyed world wide acclaim. 


Do you have to be in the Ashley Ward or can anyone take part? How can people get involved?  


Bristol Soup is for the whole of the city. We will hold events centrally, probably in the Ashley ward initially in order to be as accessible as possible. To get involved please follow our twitter account @SoupBristol or send an email to: . We will be holding public meetings in the lead up to the event and anyone can get involved as much or as little as they like. Our first meeting is on the 14th December at St Pauls Learning centre at 6:30pm. 


Cardboard beds for the homeless


How do you find running a community organisation in Bristol? 


We are only just getting started but I love to meet new people and hear fresh ideas and so am really enjoying establishing relationships within the community. 


Where do you like to eat out in Bristol? 


Eating out is such a treat in Bristol. Some of my favourite eating spots are: Bells Diner, Poco Loco, Marks Bread and Bakers and Co for the best breakfast! I also love to visit St Werburghs City Farm for a lovely bowl of warm soup at this time of year.


What's your favourite place in Bristol? 


It would have to be a walk around the harbourside. Really wonderful to get away and spend some time by the water. 


Where do you see Bristol Soup Project in 5 years time?  


We really hope that in five years time Bristol Soup will be robust and sustainably supporting community projects from across the city – who knows we may even match the Detroit Soup fundraising total of $80,000!


What advice would you give to Bristol community groups struggling with recruiting volunteers or fundraising?  


Keep going! Come to Bristol Soup to pitch for funding and make new connections!


If you were Mayor of Bristol for a day which one thing would you change? 


I would have an open Bristol where all the museums and art galleries and parks would be open for residents to enjoy and celebrate Bristol together. 


For more information please visit, their Facebook page or Twitter.