Bristol Festival of Literature from Thursday 19th - Sunday 29th October 2017

Posted on: 11 Oct 2017

Bookworms in the city can rejoice at the fact that Unputdownable, the official Bristol Festival of Literature, takes place at various venues from Thursday 19th to Sunday 29th October 2017.


First held in 2011 by local writer Jari Moate, its aim is to promote creativity and present literature in new, fresh and inspiring ways. To that end, the festival has been a monumental success and gone from strength to strength every year ever since.

Publishers, writers, readers and editors join forces throughout the year that culminates in a complete, full-to-the-brim programme every October which combines performances and events championing creative writing, primarily fiction. Represented are some of the best local, UK and international authors who inspire and galvanize writers of all levels in the region with a range of showcases and masterclasses.


Just a soupcon of events to whet your writerly whistle include Tales from the Graveyard at Arnos Vale Cemetery, Stories of Strong Women, Flash Slam, Tangent Book Fair, Strait Outta Bristol (discussing the genesis of The Bristol Sound), Crime in the Caves at Redcliffe's atmospherically subterranean environs, Blogging for Writers, and Talking Tales. 


For a full run-down of all the events, venues and times for this creatively engaging, scribe-friendly, literary-loving festival, head to the official website.