Big Jeff curates evening of music at Bristol’s Arnolfini

Posted on: 07 Aug 2017

The third and final instalment of the Arnoflini’s ‘Summer Cuts’ series this Saturday (12th August) will be curated by Bristol’s biggest music authority and all around hero, Jeffrey Johns.

The third of Bristol’s three prominent ‘B’s, alongside Brunel and Banksy, has to be Big Jeff, the man who has transcended the city’s gig-going audience into its musical legend. A ubiquitous presence on the front bar of every live show of worth, Jeffrey Johns’ encyclopaedic knowledge of all-things sonic have ensured his ascension into Bristol folklore.


And though this knowledge takes in pretty much the entirety of the world’s best audio output, it is focused specifically on Johns’ hometown, where the scene is healthier than it has been in a long while.


Now Big Jeff is putting this extensive theory into practice as part of a partnership with the Summer Cuts series, which has seen a pair of line-ups take place at the Arnolfini on each of the last two Saturdays, hosted by Young Echo and Don’t Tell Your Mother respectively. Both of these evenings have gone off with suitable aplomb, paving the way perfectly for the finale this Saturday, which will be curated by the big man himself.



Though the line-up is yet to be released, Johns has promised to pack it full of his favourite bands at the moment. One for the discerning music fan, this is not one to miss.


There will be free music and street food outside on the harbourside between 2pm and 10pm, at which point the ticketed night-time gig begins.


Tickets cost £10 or £8 for concessions. These are available here.