Arch House Deli Cheese & Wine Tasting at Averys on Wednesday 13th June 2018

Posted on: 12 Jun 2018

Wine and cheese. A triptych of words that might possibly one of the best in the whole of the English language. And what's not to love about that classic wine/cheese pairing? Not much, we reckon. And luckily neither do Averys in Bristol who is hosting its rather brilliant sounding Arch House Deli Cheese & Wine Tasting Session on Wednesday 13th June 2018.

Presiding over the evening will be David Greenman of Arch House Deli and a specially hand-picked wine expert from that estimable purveyor of grape-based beverages, Averys itself. 


Six cheeses will be up for much appreciative nibbling and contemplation, along with six wines which have been picked and designed to best bring out and compliment them. But it's not all drinking and eating though (well, actually it is, but there has to be some educational value to it all too, right?), as there will be loads of interesting info about the cheeses and wines to give some provenance and historical perspective.  

Starting at 7pm and wrapping up at around 9pm, it's an ideal mid-week session of munching and slurping and another great night put on by those fabulous folk at Averys.


Tickets cost £30 per person and can be snapped up here. 

Averys is located at 9 Culver Street, Bristol, BS1 5LD. Tel. 0117 300 8333