A free documentary on the growing epidemic of wheat and gluten intolerance is coming to Bristol on 7th March

Posted on: 28 Feb 2017

Chances are you know someone who has a wheat and gluten intolerance. It’s so common these days that it’s almost more unusual not to have an issue with it. But why is this the case? What has changed to make it even more of a widespread issue?

Many people are coeliac but there are also several of us who are not diagnosed as having that autoimmune disease but definitely know we have some issues when we eat wheat and gluten.


Well, an Australian documentary that aims to shine the spotlight on this very subject, called ‘What’s With Wheat?’, is going to be screened at Bristol’s Trinity Art Centre on the 7th of March - followed by a live question and answer session lead by the co-director, international nutritionist and best-selling author, Cyndi O’Meara.

This feature-length programme investigates whether our modern wheat production and the amount of it we consume on a daily basis is contributing to our global health crisis. And the timing of this documentary being screened in the UK is quite appropriate, as the European Parliament recently commissioned a report which outlines the amount of pesticides found in conventional food.


There are fourteen global experts that appear in the documentary - from the United States, England, Australia, New Zealand and India (including Dr Perlmutter, Sarah Ballantyne, Dr Terry Wahls, Dr Natasha Campbell McBride, and Pete Evans who sheds the light on what is currently happening to our wheat).


The programme warns that modern agricultural practices of wheat growing has produced a highly addictive product that is making people more susceptible to disease.

Bristol Nutritional Therapist and Functional Medicine Practitioner, Lucy Patterson, is going to be watching the screening. She said: “I think this is a great opportunity to hear some of the top international experts (nutritionists, scientists and doctors) discuss why there is an increased incidence of people having difficulty with wheat consumption. Coeliac disease is on the rise, and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity has been shown to exist.”


Lucy added: “What are the potential reasons and mechanisms behind why more and more people are finding that wheat negatively affects their health? This documentary should provide some further insight into this problem. As a nutritional therapist I work with numerous clients whose health improves significantly by avoiding wheat and often grains entirely. I hope this short film provides an interesting and visual guide to what's changed over the last few decades as to why more and more people are affected.”


This is an independent production by Changing Habits and Cyndi O’Meara is the Founder. She said: “The story of wheat is the story of food. Become educated, become knowledgeable, become aware. Start making changes, step by step, habit by habit and we may be able to create a tsunami of change that will change the health of our children and future generations.”


Though the event is free, you will need to register. Simply head to this website to secure a place. There's also more information about the documentary here - www.3ca.org.uk.